Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gratitude is the Attitude

I have attended Meditation Class, Reiki Class, Pranic healing class. In all I learnt giving giving giving.
By giving we can earn a lot. Here earn a lot does not mean mere money. we are earning what we give.
In all the three methods I learnt gratitude gratitude

If we sit calmly and think what are we, where from we came, How we live
what we have done in past, what we are doing in present and what we are
going to do in future.Who are all, what are all the reasons for our upcoming
It is quite amazing,

We came on earth through our parents. Mother gave us birth. Father fed us. Both of them showered their love and affection on us. They brought up us. They provided us everything, food shelter clothing, studies, etc etc.
Do you think that the list will be exhaustive
No No No

Had we EVER given rent to our mother for our stay in her womb for 10 months.
Can we compensate her sacrifice throughout her life for our sake. Then let us come to other aspects also.
First of to live happily in the world what are all the requirements
First thing food
May be our mother can prepare food and provide us.
How that food comes You require raw materials no
rice, vegetables, oil, to cook we need fire, utensils no
Where from they come

For each and every above requirement how many of our brothers and sisters showever their sweat
are we not indebted to them

Then come to clothes

We need clothes to make us beautiful, to safeguard ourselves from heat and rain, all the more we dont want to be naked in front of others no?
To have a dress the raw material has to undergo so many processes
In all these processes how many are involved
Have we ever though of it
Are we not indebted to them for providing us dress
WE reside in a ROOF to safeguard ourselves from rain and sun, animals etc.
For construction of a building how many workers involved. Are we not indebted to them
If we try to list our is it possible for us to list it out. So Instead of listing out why not we be grateful to all viz, nature, parents, peoples in society all living beings, everything in world.

BE Grateful to everybody
Let us be grateful to everybody every thing
Gratitude be the attitude of everyone
Thank you.


Lakshmi said...

Nice post. Needs to be formatted better though.

rama said...

Hi if u explain me what should be done I will follow rama